202393 - ALDI Truganina - Paemahi Kaupapa Tūmatanui
12th Mahuru 2024, Site control, Site access, Project defects.
Morning everyone.
Ngā Āpitihanga :
From COB today the Aldi Truganina site will be under the control of Aldi.
The store will be opened between 7am and 3.30pm each day including this Saturday. If you need access outside of these times you need to give as much notice as possible (no less then 24hrs).
Aldi’s expectation is that we are completed and off site by COB Friday 20th (AT THE LATEST). This includes all defect rectification (lists attached), commissioning etc.
Our site compound is being dismantled and temporary amenities will be made non-operational from Monday morning.
If you have any questions, concerns etc please just give me a buzz.
4088 M-Site Visit (09-10-2024).pdf
4088 H-Site Visit (09-10-2024).pdf
Huarere Paemahi Onāianei
Rohe Wā - Sydney Wā Aro Whānui
Matapae - Rāhoroi, 23 Whiringa ā-rangi
Shower or two.
Mōkito: 17C Mōrahi: 28C
Te Tūpono ka Marangai: 70%
Ua Manako: 0 ki 8mm
Tauwāhi Matapae - Tullamarine, VICTORIA
Rohe Wā - Sydney Wā Aro Whānui
Āpōpō - Rātapu, 24 Whiringa ā-rangi
Shower or two.
Mōkito: 15C Mōrahi: 25C
Te Tūpono ka Marangai: 70%
Ua Manako: 0 ki 8mm
E mōhio ana rānei koe ki ngā Whakaritenga PPE mō tēnei paemahi?
Āta tiaki kei a koe ngā taputapu haumarutanga tika mō tō rā tuatahi i te paemahi.
Tīmata wawe ake ina tae koe ki te paemahi.
Whakaotia tuihonotia tō rēhitatanga paemahi ina pai koe hei penapena tāima.
E mōhio ana rānei koe ki ngā Whakaritenga PPE mō tēnei paemahi?
Āta tiaki kei a koe ngā taputapu haumarutanga tika mō tō rā tuatahi i te paemahi.
Tīmata wawe ake ina tae koe ki te paemahi.
Whakaotia tuihonotia tō rēhitatanga paemahi ina pai koe hei penapena tāima.